We believe that God has called us to partner join Him in what He is doing in Japan.
God in His sovereignty has allowed The Gathering to partner with pastors, churches, missionaries, ministries in Japan over the last few years. Most of our mission work in Japan is connected to these partnerships. Here are some of what we will be doing in Japan while we are there.
1. Community Outreaches
Our community outreaches are known as “Hawaii Night.” We provide music, dance, arts and crafts, games, teach how to make spam musubi, food, fellowship, worship & we share the gospel. Churches we serve with will use these events to connect the unchurched with Jesus and their churches. This is also a great opportunity for us to encourage churches.
4. Homeless Ministry
5. Participate in worship services
6. Yamanote Line Prayer and prayer walk Tokyo
Yamanote train line circles around Tokyo. Before each train station, we will pray for the community we are approaching. We will also prayer walk throughout Tokyo.
7. Encourage missionaries, pastors, churches and Christians in Japan
God in His sovereignty has allowed The Gathering to partner with pastors, churches, missionaries, ministries in Japan over the last few years. Most of our mission work in Japan is connected to these partnerships. Here are some of what we will be doing in Japan while we are there.
1. Community Outreaches
Our community outreaches are known as “Hawaii Night.” We provide music, dance, arts and crafts, games, teach how to make spam musubi, food, fellowship, worship & we share the gospel. Churches we serve with will use these events to connect the unchurched with Jesus and their churches. This is also a great opportunity for us to encourage churches.
2. Lead Vacation Bible School at
Kanto Plains Baptist Church
We have established a new
partnership with Kanto Plains Baptist Church. Our mission team will provide
teachers, music, recreation, volunteers and lots of love to the Kanto Plains
The church is expecting over 100 children from the community surrounding the church. What a great opportunity to share the gospel. Many attended last year’s VBS—several came to know Jesus as Lord and savior. Many families of children who attended last year’s VBS are still attending Kanto Plains Baptist Church today.
3. Teach Conversational English with Ark English School
The church is expecting over 100 children from the community surrounding the church. What a great opportunity to share the gospel. Many attended last year’s VBS—several came to know Jesus as Lord and savior. Many families of children who attended last year’s VBS are still attending Kanto Plains Baptist Church today.
3. Teach Conversational English with Ark English School
Students at the English school
range from children through adults. This is not a Christian school but is
directed by Christians who allow us to share the gospel as we teach and build
relationships with students. There are other Christians who work for the school
and are active in their churches. They will do the follow up.
4. Homeless Ministry
International Mission Board
missionary Mark Bennett has established one of the most effective homeless
ministries. This ministry provides food to meet basic human needs. Bible
teaching, sharing the gospel and discipleship are central to the ministry. Many
have been saved, discipled and are being raised up as leaders. Many are gaining
gospel-centered confidence to re-enter the job market and live back We
will minister to homeless, provide worship, and assist in any way possible.
This ministry takes place from Yoyogi Park (across from where the 2020 Olympics
will take place).
5. Participate in worship services
We will
participate in worship services at Grace Church, Praise Church & Okubo
Baptist Church on the Sundays we are there. We will preach, lead music and
share testimony.
6. Yamanote Line Prayer and prayer walk Tokyo
Yamanote train line circles around Tokyo. Before each train station, we will pray for the community we are approaching. We will also prayer walk throughout Tokyo.
7. Encourage missionaries, pastors, churches and Christians in Japan
work in Japan is very challenging. Part of our ministry is to encourage those
who serve Jesus in Japan long term. Last year, we led a retreat for pastors,
missionaries and their families. This year, we will not have a retreat. However,
we will meet with pastors, missionaries and ministry leaders and encourage them
in the gospel.
Please join in and pray for us as we prepare for this mission trip. Julie, Sadie and I will be joining a team of 16 people from our church--The Gathering. If you are interested in giving online: Go to www.thegatheringhawaii.org
(church website) & click "Online Giving." Click "Give"
button and sign up. This leads you to “My Donation” where you can contribute.
Be sure to click on to the drop down menu & specify your giving to “Shiroma
Other scenes from previous mission trips:

Other scenes from previous mission trips:

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