38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an
eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say to you, Do not
resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to
him the other also.” (Matthew 5.38-39 ESV)
Most of us hesitate to turn the other cheek because we associate turning the other
cheek with weakness, allowing ourselves to be bullied and humiliated.
miss the point of the passage if we believe that turning the other cheek
relegates us to letting people walk all over us.
God’s glory is the point.
Walter Wink shared an interesting perspective on this passage. "Slapping"
someone on the right cheek, using the back of the right hand, was done to show authority
over someone you believed to be lower
than you. So if someone slaps another person on the right cheek, turning the other
cheek (the left cheek) created a dilemma for the offender for two reasons.
a back-handed strike on the left cheek would not have been done because the
left hand was used for unclean purposes. Second, using an open left hand was a
statement of equality. The offender was left to wrestle with whether it was
worth it to hit the offended person a second time.
would also contend that the offended person had the right to "slap"
the offender. But in foregoing the right to hit back and turning the other
cheek, the offended person now has the moral latitude and power to direct the
offender is left with an awkward predicament. Because the world and our flesh
expect retaliation, turning the other cheek creates a vulnerable but
potentially powerful moment. For the believer, turning the other cheek can turn
the situation into something God uses to show a powerful message, reveal Jesus,
and reflect God’s character for the sake of the Gospel.
of Jesus must respond in ways the world will not expect--the way of Jesus.
we are wronged, the world expects us to retaliate. Our emotions rage for
justice. But instead of demanding justice for ourselves, we should depend on the Holy Spirit so that people will see kindness, love, compassion, service,
prayer, ministry, joy, peace, patience, self-control, care and power. In other words, turning the other cheek allows people the chance to Jesus through you.
on God for restraint under pressure. Love not hate. Act wisely not react
quickly. Trust Jesus not ourselves. Give Jesus our lives. This calls for
strength in the face of adversity, requires abandonment to our flesh,
dependence on God, and allowing the Holy Spirit to empower us.
does this apply in our time?
with kindness
soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up
anger.” Proverbs 15:1
overboard by loving and ministering to your enemies
“21 If
your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give
him water to drink, 22 for you will heap burning coals on
his head, and the Lord will
reward you.” Proverbs 25:21-22
willing to be wronged
not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded?” (1 Corinthians 6:7) We do this because it causes us to be more dependent on God and see Him work through our weakness. This is where God does supernaturally more
than anything we can accomplish on our own.
what you deserve for the sake of the Gospel
take care that this right of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to
the weak.” (1 Corinthians 8:9)
how will you speak words of kindness in conversation?
Are you praying for your enemies? In what ways will you serve and minister to them?
In what areas of your life are you willing to be wronged so that God can be glorified and the Gospel can spread?
What rights are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of the Gospel?
Are you praying for your enemies? In what ways will you serve and minister to them?
In what areas of your life are you willing to be wronged so that God can be glorified and the Gospel can spread?
What rights are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of the Gospel?
is not an easy teaching to follow. It requires total surrender to Jesus. But we
can rest assured that God’s grace “is sufficient for you, for my power is
made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians
When we depend on Him, He will give us the strength to “turn the other cheek” and grow into Christ-likeness as we follow Him. What others see as we depend on Christ to turn the other cheek, will be a testimony to the world.
When we depend on Him, He will give us the strength to “turn the other cheek” and grow into Christ-likeness as we follow Him. What others see as we depend on Christ to turn the other cheek, will be a testimony to the world.
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