The Gathering is looking to open a campus somewhere in Honolulu in 2016. This church will focus on reaching college students and young adults.
starting this new campus in Honolulu has been on my heart for a while, God
caused me to deal with the reality of this during our year and half long study
through the book of Acts.
especially turned up the heat in my heart as we began to examine Acts 13. On
September 27 of last year, I preached a sermon titled "Unlikely" from
Acts 13.1-3.
that passage, Paul and Barnabas were leading the church in Antioch. They
enjoyed serving Jesus in Antioch, the ministry in Antioch was flourishing, and
there were strong relationships among the believers.
God called Paul and Barnabas to leave Antioch and spread the Gospel to new
people and new cities. From that time, Paul traveled thousands of miles, went
on three missionary journeys, was imprisoned, and eventually died for the cause
of Christ.
has caused me to wrestle every week as we examined the book of Acts this past
reasons I've given God for why I can't go and do this:
· "I'm
too old to do this."
· "What
do I have to offer the people to whom God is leading us to reach?"
· "There
are tons of great churches already down there."
· "We
have a good church and I do not want to disrupt the momentum in Mililani."
· "There
are many leaders to build and many needs to meet at The Gathering in Mililani."
· "Don't
know if we have the resources to do this? We should wait a while."
· "Why
not have someone younger and more gifted than me lead this?"
· "This
will take away time from Julie and Sadie."
· "What
if it fails?"
As much
as I have tried to walk away from this call and shake it off--I can't. God
continues to bring it back to my heart.
the last few months, I have sought counsel and wisdom. Our church elders have
walked alongside me, provided counsel, supported me, and prayed. The call to do
this has been undeniably a work God is doing.
I must respond in obedience.
and I have talked and prayed about what adding this new campus will mean to our
marriage and family. It will definitely change our lives and schedules.
However, we are willing to sacrifice and do whatever it takes to respond to the
call. We believe that God is good and that He will give grace in our marriage
and relationship.
only reason for following through with this new campus is obedience to God.
Even if we reach only 20-30 people, we are okay with that because we know this
is something God is leading us to do.
big question many are wondering is this, "What will this mean and what
will this look like?" Let me answer some questions tied into that question.
"Does this mean James is
leaving The Gathering in Mililani?" No. I will still be fully engaged with The
Gathering in Mililani. The intent is for The Gathering (Honolulu) to be an
extension of The Gathering (Mililani). This new campus will be in addition to
me serving as pastor of The Gathering in Mililani.
"What will Sundays look
like?" Worship
on Sundays at Mililani will be the normal 9:00 am and 10:45 am start times at
Mililani Mauka Elementary School. Although not set in stone, the Honolulu
campus worship time will start somewhere in the vicinity of 5:30 pm.
"Why college students and
young adults?"
I can't really answer that question except that God has placed a sense of
calling to reach this generation more strongly on my heart over the last two
years. There is a sense of calling to encourage that generation, share the
Gospel with them, and raise up leaders from that generation.
"Where will this campus
Right now, I do not have a clue. Please join us in prayer. This is something we
are seeking God's guidance in. Praying that we would be obedient in knowing
exactly where God wants us to be.
"What if I am not a
millennial? Can I still come?"
Although the target will be millennials, anyone is welcome. However, those who
are older (like me) will be expected to pour into the next generation by
mentoring, discipling, and pointing people to Jesus. I believe that although
the target will be millennials, this can still be a multi-generational church
if we follow the biblical model of the older generation pouring into the
younger generation and pointing them to Jesus. Titus 2:1-8 provides the model
to follow.
"How can I get
Within a few weeks, I will write a blog on how people can get involved. What we
are looking to form first is a leadership team of 12-14 people (preferably from
The Gathering) who will help us set the groundwork for this campus. There are
many other areas that I will share later but for now, finding the right people
for the leadership team is our biggest prayer concern.
"What if I belong to
another church, can I be involved with this?" We do not want to take people
from other churches especially if they are leading there. However, if you have
a sense of calling to help with this new campus, I would like to meet with you
and your pastor to see where God may be leading.
"How can I pray?"
Pray that the vision for this
campus is communicated well.
This will be very important because good communication helps to breed unity.
Starting something like this presents huge potential for miscommunication and
misunderstanding. Also pray for flexible hearts and lots of grace to abound.
Location. Right now, we do not know
exactly where we will meet. Please pray that God will lead us to the right
place. Also, praying that the provision for location would be a total
God-thing. I'm even praying right now as I write and will continue to pray that
God would move on someone's heart who reads this blog to be the one to provide
the space.
Forming a leadership team. We are praying for 12-14
people (preferably from The Gathering but we are open to God leading others to
be part of this team) who will help with the groundwork necessary to launch
this campus. We are looking for followers of Jesus who love Jesus and are
growing daily growing in relationship with Him through God's word and prayer.
We are looking for mature believers who know how to mentor/disciple people, who
have a love for the church and understand the importance of unity in the Body
of Christ, who have had strong involvement in ministry, and people who have a
passion for reaching millennials.
Finances. We will let people know the
needs of this start up and how they can contribute to starting up this campus.
This will come out soon.
That we be found faithful.
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