God willing, we will open our church's Honolulu campus some time this year. Starting the Honolulu campus will not be easy. It will come with many challenges and great sacrifice for anyone who chooses to be part of this new campus. But it will be worth it. We are excited and ready to go for it.
There are many people who are curious and have been asking questions about this new campus. In addition, many have inquired about the possibility of being involved. This blog post will attempt to answer some questions people are asking.
Why are we starting a new campus in Honolulu?
We believe God is calling The Gathering to be there. Starting new campuses and churches has been part of The Gathering's vision from the beginning. In addition to this Honolulu campus, we are praying about starting future campuses and churches as God leads.
God began stirring a call for us to start a new campus in Honolulu while our church studied the book of Acts last year. Churches throughout Acts shared the Gospel, made disciples, reached communities, sent out missionaries, and started new churches. We must do the same.
We are committed to teaching the Bible, raising up leaders, impacting Honolulu, and sending people out to reach the nations with the gospel.
My personal sense of calling? (from my September 21, 2015 blog)
God especially turned up the heat in my heart as we began to examine Acts 13. On September 27 of last year, I preached a sermon titled "Unlikely" from Acts 13.1-3.
In that passage, Paul and Barnabas were leading the church in Antioch. They enjoyed serving Jesus in Antioch, the ministry in Antioch was flourishing, and believers had strong relationships with each other.
But God called Paul and Barnabas to leave Antioch and spread the Gospel to new people and new cities. From that time, Paul traveled thousands of miles, went on three missionary journeys, was tested in many ways, imprisoned, and eventually died for the cause of Christ.
God has caused me to wrestle deeply with the sense of calling to start this campus. As much as I have tried to walk away from it and shake it off--I can't.
Over the last few months, I have sought counsel and wisdom from pastors and Christian leaders. In addition, our church elders have walked alongside me, provided counsel, prayed with me and support the start of this new campus. The call to do this has been undeniably a work God is doing.
Julie and I have talked and prayed about what adding this new campus will mean to our marriage and family. It will definitely change our lives and schedules. However, we are willing to sacrifice and do whatever it takes to respond to the call. We believe that God is good and that He will give grace in our marriage and relationship.
Our only reason for following through with this new campus is obedience to God.
What is the vision?
Serving Jesus in Honolulu gives us an opportunity to impact one of the world's most strategic cities with the gospel. Honolulu serves as a bridge between the United States, the Pacific and the world.
Hawaii's state capital, Honolulu's downtown business district, Chinatown, University of Hawaii, other colleges, learning centers, hospitals, Honolulu Harbor, Waikiki, and surrounding communities where thousands of people live make Honolulu very strategic for the gospel.
In addition to being in a strategic location, Honolulu is a city with much need. Poverty, brokenness, and spiritual depravity give us an opportunity to be salt and light.
The critical question we must wrestle with as we start this new campus is this, "If we truly centered our church on Jesus, if we were genuinely led by the Holy Spirit, and if we lived out what the Bible says, what would it look like and what would the journey look like?"
Our response to that question is foundational and will impact the way we operate, grow in Christ, relate to each other, pursue Jesus and live it out, and impact the world.
The outgrowth of what God does among us will lead us to be a church that grows in Christ, grows in ministry, grows in number, and grows in influence. Small groups, ministries, new campuses, new churches, new ministries, and sending people on missions must be a reflection of our relationship with a real and living Jesus. Christ-centered community will lead us to do Christ-centered missions.
As we follow Jesus in Spirit and Truth, teach God's word, and live out Jesus' commands, God will unite us in ways the world will not understand. When Christians are truly united in Christ, we believe families, neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, Hawaii and the world should be different because of gospel working through us.
Building community and doing ministry are outward expressions of those whose lives are being transformed through Jesus. Love for God and love for others will lead us to see the urgency in letting people know that Jesus is the world's only hope.
Although this campus aims to be multi-generational, multi-cultural church, we will place a high priority in reaching college students and young professionals. We are committed to raising up another generation to follow Jesus, love Jesus, serve Him, and take the gospel to the ends of the earth.
I will personally commit a lot of my time and effort to reach and raise up college and 20-somethings in Christ. God has given me an undeniable passion, love and calling for the younger generation. I do not want to lose out on the chance to pour into a generation that has great potential to do great things for God.
This new campus must reflect a desire to pour into the younger generation for the sake of the gospel. Within our midst will be future pastors, missionaries, leaders, politicians, doctors, teachers, business people, coaches, entrepreneurs, politicians, etc. If we do this right, we can mobilize people in Hawaii and around the world for the gospel. We cannot miss this opportunity.
How can I be part of this?
First, we need many people to pray for this new campus--that God would use us to do great Kingdom work. Pray for protection, wisdom, provision and boldness so that God can use us mightily.
Pray that God would provide leaders as we build our core team. Pray for leaders who are committed to Jesus, have a deep understanding of God's word who have solid theology, filled with the Holy Spirit, love God, and have a desire to see people reached with the Gospel and can lead people to grow in Christ. Although we need people to fill various ministry areas, pray that we will not be hasty in putting people in place. Pray for our patience and wisdom.
Pray for the people who will be part of this church to have a Jesus-centered love and desire to share the gospel, live it out, and make a difference.
Pray for the people who we have yet to meet to be impacted by the gospel.
Second, as we express needs (resources, finances, physical help, etc.), please consider being used by God to provide. We will be more specific about our needs as time goes on.
Third, you can serve Jesus through this new church. There are many areas to fill. We pray for people who are called to serve and willing to sacrifice for the gospel. Again, we do not want people to help start this campus because of the excitement and hype. We want people to come because of a sense of calling and a willingness to sacrifice for the gospel. We are not primarily looking for talented people to help start this campus. Above everything, we are simply praying for people who have a genuine and passionate love for God, who are growing in Him, and desire to help others grow in Christ.
How will we mobilize people to start, maintain and grow this campus?
This will be the subject of my next blog post.
If you have any questions or need more information, please email me at jamesshiroma@gmail.com.
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