Photo courtesy of Paulette Suwa
God continues to remind me that our church's Citywide Campus is not my idea.
It's all His idea.
Citywide coming to life is truly a reflection of God breathing life into something that was not even in existence a few months ago.
Since January, we have met once a month to vision and pray for this new campus. This coming Sunday, Citywide will meet to worship for the first time. The plan is to worship once a month through June. Starting in July, we will begin weekly worship with the goal of officially opening the doors of Citywide in mid-September. Of course, people are always invited to our church even if we are not "officially" open.
Our original timeline called for us to have worship on April 24. Two weeks ago, that did not seem possible. However, last week, Andrew Shiira responded to God's call to be Citywide's worship leader. It was awesome to have Andrew share his heart with The Gathering in Mililani today after worship and for the church to respond by laying hands on him and praying as he begins his new role.
Andrew coming on board is just one reminder of God's faithfulness.
Over the last few months, seeing God at work as He brings Citywide to life has blown me away. There seems to be a momentum that only the Holy Spirit could create. Let me share some examples of what God has been doing:
God not only provided a location, He provided us with the right location and a strategic location. Kakaako is very strategic as it puts us in a position to reach 20-somethings, young professionals, and families. We are very close to downtown Honolulu which is very strategic. Our location also puts us in a position to reach college students at the University of Hawaii, Hawaii Pacific, Chaminade, and the two community colleges in the area.
God provided us with great a great "landlord." OlaNui Church and its leadership have been phenomenal and very supportive. Great to know that we will partner together in the Gospel.
Financial resources. Although we have not even started asking for financial support, people are already starting to financially contribute to Citywide. In a little bit, we will give people opportunities to help support Citywide financially.
People committing to be part of our Citywide Campus.
People who are wrestling and praying about being part of Citywide.
People who have come out each month to pray.
People, who may never be part of Citywide, praying for us.
Encouraging emails, texts, notes, and phone calls.
Seeing people's excitement about Citywide.
Building partnerships with pastors and churches in the Honolulu area. I'm excited that we get to do Jesus' work as a team and not by ourselves. My prayer is that we will be encouraging and supportive of other churches and pastors in the area who are spreading the Gospel and building God's Kingdom.
The Gathering's support and excitement for this new campus. The Gathering in Mililani truly sees Citywide as an extension of us. It is an opportunity to be part of what God is doing as we spread the Gospel and do Kingdom work in another part of the island.
There is a lot of work to be done. If we focus on all the work, we will easily be overwhelmed. Let us stick our shoulders to the plow and keep our eyes focused on Jesus as we look forward. We must never lose sight of the fact that this is His idea. Because this is His idea, He will provide, He will make things happen, and he will show us His faithfulness.
All that being said, we invite you to Citywide's first worship service 5:30PM this coming Sunday, April 24. We will meet at 760 Halekauwila St. Please join us.
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