The Gathering's Citywide campus began in the fall of 2016 with great hope, expectations, and visions of grandeur.
In the beginning, we averaged about 40 people every Sunday. Within weeks, attendance dipped into the 30s, then 20s, then into the teens.
Until one night, there was a whopping four of us.
That night, Andrew Shiira (Citywide's worship leader) and Daniel Lyons led worship, my wife Julie pushed power point, and I was the only one in the "congregation."
It was obvious...our church was quickly dying. Many thoughts raced through my mind as we sang that night.
"We are the fastest dying church in Hawaii ever."
"What are Andrew, Daniel, and Julie thinking?"
"God, did I hear you wrong?"
"Is Citywide a James idea or a God idea?"
At the end of that worship service, I pulled the four of us together to discuss Citywide's future. If even one person mentioned that we needed to shut down our Citywide campus, I may have done it.
However, everyone believed that God wanted Citywide to be there and each of us sensed His call to be part of this fledgling church campus.
A few days after this, Daniel told me, "Pastor James, you had some great plans for Citywide. But I believe God had to tear them down so that whatever happens from this point can only be explained by God."
From that moment, I knew Daniel was right. How prophetic those words would prove to be.
So instead of panicking and coming up with new strategy, we prayed and recommitted ourselves to God's call.
People from Citywide and some from The Gathering in Mililani made a commitment to pray for Citywide and the people God was going to bring to us.
One of our big prayers in the fall of 2016 was for God to lead us to a person of peace--someone who God prepared to bridge Citywide to the University of Hawaii.
This spring, God sent Chenchen, a graduate student from China who studied at the University of Idaho before coming to UH.
Early on, it became apparent that God sent Chenchen--she was an answer to prayer. She was the person of peace we prayed for.
Chenchen's passion for Citywide was very contagious. Chenchen got involved with our church life, made things happen, and invited people.
Before Chenchen came this spring, we averaged 7-8 people. This past Sunday night, we had over 40 people. There is a sense of excitement as we see God move through our church and as we anticipate further growth.
Citywide is becoming a multi-cultural and multi-nation church. People from Hawaii, the mainland, and various nations worship Jesus and study the Bible together. It is a beautiful picture of what God's family looks like.
Nowadays, whenever I think of Citywide, I think of the great multitude worshipping Jesus in Revelation 7:9 "...there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, people, tribe, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb."
I love the interaction and relationships among the people--love how walls continue to come down. Race, nationality, and background do not matter.
We are at the forefront of seeing this reality.
In the beginning, we averaged about 40 people every Sunday. Within weeks, attendance dipped into the 30s, then 20s, then into the teens.
Until one night, there was a whopping four of us.
That night, Andrew Shiira (Citywide's worship leader) and Daniel Lyons led worship, my wife Julie pushed power point, and I was the only one in the "congregation."
It was obvious...our church was quickly dying. Many thoughts raced through my mind as we sang that night.
"We are the fastest dying church in Hawaii ever."
"What are Andrew, Daniel, and Julie thinking?"
"God, did I hear you wrong?"
"Is Citywide a James idea or a God idea?"
At the end of that worship service, I pulled the four of us together to discuss Citywide's future. If even one person mentioned that we needed to shut down our Citywide campus, I may have done it.
However, everyone believed that God wanted Citywide to be there and each of us sensed His call to be part of this fledgling church campus.
A few days after this, Daniel told me, "Pastor James, you had some great plans for Citywide. But I believe God had to tear them down so that whatever happens from this point can only be explained by God."
From that moment, I knew Daniel was right. How prophetic those words would prove to be.
So instead of panicking and coming up with new strategy, we prayed and recommitted ourselves to God's call.
People from Citywide and some from The Gathering in Mililani made a commitment to pray for Citywide and the people God was going to bring to us.
One of our big prayers in the fall of 2016 was for God to lead us to a person of peace--someone who God prepared to bridge Citywide to the University of Hawaii.
This spring, God sent Chenchen, a graduate student from China who studied at the University of Idaho before coming to UH.
For several weeks, Chenchen diligently prayed and searched for the church God was directing her to. Eventually, she ended up at The Gathering Citywide.
Early on, it became apparent that God sent Chenchen--she was an answer to prayer. She was the person of peace we prayed for.
Chenchen's passion for Citywide was very contagious. Chenchen got involved with our church life, made things happen, and invited people.
Before Chenchen came this spring, we averaged 7-8 people. This past Sunday night, we had over 40 people. There is a sense of excitement as we see God move through our church and as we anticipate further growth.
Citywide is becoming a multi-cultural and multi-nation church. People from Hawaii, the mainland, and various nations worship Jesus and study the Bible together. It is a beautiful picture of what God's family looks like.
Nowadays, whenever I think of Citywide, I think of the great multitude worshipping Jesus in Revelation 7:9 "...there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, people, tribe, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb."
I love the interaction and relationships among the people--love how walls continue to come down. Race, nationality, and background do not matter.
When we look back in all eternity, we will see how God used Chenchen's faithfulness as a catalyst to build the foundation that Citywide needed.
In the midst of all this, Citywide is very committed to being a Gospel-centered, Jesus-focused, Bible teaching, and Holy Spirit-filled church.
Our church's mission statement states that "We are building up and sending out disciples to reach Hawaii and the nations with the Gospel."
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