A good friend of mine, Matt Lincoln, serves Jesus in a community
most people try to avoid.
Matt challenged me like he does many others by saying that tragedy,
crime, and brokenness should not be reasons to run away. Instead, those should
be heard as cries for help.
Gospel opportunities.
When we consider our own lives, we do not have to travel very far to see that Gospel opportunities in the midst of bad situations are all around us.
Broken dreams, broken relationships, pain, drug addiction, alcoholism, broken marriages, broken lives, hurt feelings, hedonism, sexual perversion, sexual immorality, hatred, racism, division and the list can go on and on. But you get it... there is a lot of brokenness around us.
When we consider our own lives, we do not have to travel very far to see that Gospel opportunities in the midst of bad situations are all around us.
Broken dreams, broken relationships, pain, drug addiction, alcoholism, broken marriages, broken lives, hurt feelings, hedonism, sexual perversion, sexual immorality, hatred, racism, division and the list can go on and on. But you get it... there is a lot of brokenness around us.
We naturally gravitate to what is comfortable and try to avoid
broken situations. For most people, it is not easy to voluntarily and joyfully
get involved with someone else's brokenness.
When we ignore God's call to bring hope through the Gospel in
these situations, we forfeit the chance to grow in Christ, experience God more
deeply, and see God work in powerful ways. We forfeit the opportunity to see
the Gospel at work.
Take Nehemiah for example. He engaged in the brokenness of others when he did not have to. His job as King Artexerxes' cupbearer afforded him a good life and the privilege of living in the King's palace, located in Susa which was 800 miles east of Jerusalem.
Take Nehemiah for example. He engaged in the brokenness of others when he did not have to. His job as King Artexerxes' cupbearer afforded him a good life and the privilege of living in the King's palace, located in Susa which was 800 miles east of Jerusalem.
Nehemiah, who was Jewish by descent, became aware of the
brokenness among the people of Jerusalem after a group that visited the area
reported to him that the walls of Jerusalem were in disrepair.
Hanani (Nehemiah's brother who led this group) reported
that "those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in
great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates
have been burned with fire." (Nehemiah 1:3) This represented the spiritual
brokenness of God's people.
During Nehemiah's time, city walls represented strength,
protection and security. It was a symbol of national pride, unity and identity.
Jerusalem’s broken walls indicated that Jerusalem was
weak and without protection from its enemies. The broken walls also reflected
low morale and spiritual decay.
Nehemiah said, "When I heard these things, I sat
down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of
heaven." (Nehemiah 1:4)
Nehemiah wept because he knew Jerusalem was not where God
wanted it to be—people lived through the consequences of their sin and rebelliousness
toward God.
Nehemiah could have stayed in Persia, lived a comfortable
life, and not worry about the broken walls.
Instead, Nehemiah traveled 800 miles westward to lead the
rebuilding of the walls in Jerusalem. Nehemiah did this because God called him.
Choosing God's call required Nehemiah to risk everything.
He chose hardship, faced darkness and lived among the broken.
In 52 days, the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt, the
people turned back to God, and the people experienced God in the midst of
darkness. The result of this was a great national reform, revival, spiritual
awakening and turning back to God.
Nehemiah experienced all this because he was obedient to
God's call.
Imagine what Nehemiah would have missed had he stayed in
Susa. I wonder how many 0f us miss seeing God do great work in and through us
because we choose to remain comfortable when God is calling us toward
challenging Gospel opportunities.
What does the brokenness around us cause us to do? Weep, reach out, show compassion, share the Gospel?
What do the broken walls around us look like?
What does the brokenness around us cause us to do? Weep, reach out, show compassion, share the Gospel?
How do we react to the "broken walls" around
us? Do we run toward or run away? What does running toward it look like?
Do we see Gospel opportunities? A Chance to point people
toward God in the midst of their brokenness....
Can you think of situations where brokenness and darkness
cried out like sirens saying, "help us."
Family, neighbors, classmates, co-workers, strangers,
teammates, people overseas, the oppressed, the poor, the hungry, those shunned,
the rich, immigrants, people from all nations are crying out for help.
The list can go on and on but you get the point.
We can enter people's darkness in many ways--friendship,
lunch, coffee, conversation, listening, encouragement, ministry, mission trip,
missions, etc. Whatever God is calling you to do, be faithful. Go toward and do not
run away or avoid.
You could be the one God uses to let others see the
Gospel lived out. More importantly, you could be the one to share the Gospel.
Be obedient to God in all circumstances good or bad. Do
not just run into hard circumstances because they are hard. Likewise, do not
only seek good circumstances because you see that as God's blessing.
Seek God in all circumstances and follow Him. Be willing
to go anywhere God calls and do whatever He calls you to do.
Earnestly seek God for ways God could be leading you to
be part of Gospel opportunities in the midst of brokenness. Pray for the
strength to be obedient. Follow the Holy Spirit so that your obedience will be
a reflection of what Jesus is doing in you.
You see, the key to entering someone else's darkness and
brokenness is not you trying on your own strength and power. It is a response
to what God is already doing in our lives through Jesus.
It's about the Gospel.
Only through Christ are we able to see what God wants us
to see. Only through Christ are we able to overcome our own human propensities
and choose to do God's will. Only through Christ do we find the motivation and
true reason to do all this.
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